DICOM Tables


Tag Name
(0054,0052) Rotation Information Sequence
Sequence of Repeating Items that describe TOMO rotational groups. A new rotation is defined whenever the direction of the detector motion changes, or the Table Traverse (0018,1131) changes. The number of items shall be equal to Number of Rotations (0054,0051). If Rotation Vector (0054,0050) is present, the first item corresponds to frames with value of 1 in the Rotation Vector (0054,0050), the second item with value 2, etc.
(0054,0200) >Start Angle
Position of the detector about the patient for the start of this rotation, in degrees. Zero degrees is referenced to the origin at the patient's back. Viewing from the patient's feet, angle increases in a counter-clockwise direction (detector normal rotating from the patient's back towards the patient's left side). Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1144) >Angular Step
The angular scan arc step between views of the TOMO acquisition, in degrees. See C. for further explanation. Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1140) >Rotation Direction
Direction of rotation of the detector about the patient. See Start Angle (0054,0200) for further explanation of direction. Enumerated Values: CW = clockwise (decreasing angle) CC = counter-clockwise (increasing angle). Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1143) >Scan Arc
The effective angular range of the scan data in degrees. The value shall be positive. Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1242) >Actual Frame Duration
Nominal acquisition time per angular position, in msec. Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1142) >Radial Position
Radial distance of the detector from the center of rotation, in mm. It shall have a single value which is an average value for this rotation, or it shall have one value per angular view.
(0018,1110) >Distance Source to Detector
Distance in mm from transmission source to the detector face. Required if Image Type (0008,0008), Value 4, is TRANSMISSION and a sequence Item is present.
(0054,0053) >Number of Frames in Rotation
Number of angular views in this rotation. Required if a sequence Item is present.
(0018,1131) >Table Traverse
Location of the patient table (or gantry relative to the table) in mm.The range and values of this element are determined by the manufacturer.
(0018,1130) >Table Height
The distance in mm of the top of the patient table to the center of rotation. Table height below the center of rotation has a positive value.
(0054,0202) Type of Detector Motion
Describes the detector motion during acquisition. Enumerated Values: STEP AND SHOOT = Interrupted motion, acquire only while stationary. CONTINUOUS = Gantry motion and acquisition are simultaneous and continuous. ACQ DURING STEP = Interrupted motion, acquisition is continuous.