DICOM Tables


Tag Name
(0008,0008) Image Type
Image identification characteristics. See C. for specialization.
(0028,0002) Samples per Pixel
Number of samples (planes) in this image. This value shall be 1.
(0028,0004) Photometric Interpretation
Specifies the intended interpretation of the pixel data. See C. for specialization.
(0028,0100) Bits Allocated
Number of bits allocated for each pixel sample. Each sample shall have the same number of bits allocated. Enumerated values: 16.
(0028,0101) Bits Stored
Number of bits stored for each pixel sample. Each sample shall have the same number of bits stored. The value shall be the same as the value in Bits Allocated (0028,0100).
(0028,0102) High Bit
Most significant bit for pixel sample data. Each sample shall have the same high bit. Shall be one less than the value in Bits Stored (0028,0101).
(0028,1052) Rescale Intercept
The value b in relationship between stored values (SV) and pixel value units (U) defined in Units (0054,1001): U = m*SV+b. The Rescale Intercept is always zero for PET images.
(0028,1053) Rescale Slope
m in the equation specified in Rescale Intercept (0028,1052).
(0054,1300) Frame Reference Time
The time that the pixel values in the image occurred. Frame Reference Time is the offset, in msec, from the Series reference time. See explanation in C.
(0018,1060) Trigger Time
Time interval, in msec, from the start of the trigger to the beginning of data acquisition for this image. Required if Series Type (0054,1000), Value 1 is GATED.
(0018,1063) Frame Time
Nominal duration per individual frame, in msec. Required if Series Type (0054,1000), Value 1 is GATED. See C. for explanation.
(0018,1081) Low R-R Value
R-R interval lower limit for beat rejection, in msec. Required if Series Type (0054,1000), Value 1 is GATED and Beat Rejection Flag (0018,1080) is Y.
(0018,1082) High R-R Value
R-R interval upper limit for beat rejection, in msec. Required if Series Type (0054,1000), Value 1 is GATED and Beat Rejection Flag (0018,1080) is Y.
(0028,2110) Lossy Image Compression
Specifies whether an Image has undergone lossy compression. Enumerated values: 00 = Image has NOT been subjected to lossy compression. 01 = Image has been subjected to lossy compression. See C. Required if Lossy Compression has been performed on the image.
(0054,1330) Image Index
An index identifying the position of this image within a PET Series. See C. for explanation.
(0008,0022) Acquisition Date
The date the acquisition of data that resulted in this image started. See C. for specialization.
(0008,0032) Acquisition Time
The time the acquisition of data that resulted in this image started. See C. for specialization.
(0018,1242) Actual Frame Duration
Elapsed time of the data acquisition for this image, in msec. See C. for explanation.
(0018,1062) Nominal Interval
Average duration of accepted beats, in msec, of the R-R interval.
(0018,1083) Intervals Acquired
Number of heartbeats that fall within Low R-R Value (0018,1081) and High R-R Value (0018,1082), and were therefore accepted and contribute coincidence events to this R-R Interval.
(0018,1084) Intervals Rejected
Number of heartbeats that fall outside Low R-R Value (0018,1081) and High R-R Value (0018,1082), and do not contribute coincidence events to this R-R Interval. However, they may contribute coincidence events to other R-R Intervals. Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated (0054,1310) 3 The sum of events that occur in the primary event channel. The counts include Trues +Scatter+ Randoms if Randoms Correction Method (0054,1100) is NONE; otherwise the counts are Trues +Scatter.
(0054,1311) Secondary Counts Accumulated
Sum of counts accumulated in secondary channels. See C. for explanation.
(0054,1320) Slice Sensitivity Factor
The slice-to-slice sensitivity correction factor that was used to correct this image. The value shall be one if no slice sensitivity correction was applied.
(0054,1321) Decay Factor
The decay factor that was used to scale this image. Required if Decay Correction (0054,1102) is other than NONE. If decay correction is applied, all images in the Series shall be decay corrected to the same time.
(0054,1322) Dose Calibration Factor
Factor that was used to scale this image from counts/sec to Bq/ml using a dose calibrator. The value shall be one if no dose calibration was applied. See C. for explanation.
(0054,1323) Scatter Fraction Factor
An estimate of the fraction of acquired counts that were due to scatter and were corrected in this image. The value shall be zero if no scatter correction was applied.
(0054,1324) Dead Time Factor
The average dead time correction factor that was applied to this image. The value shall be one if no dead time correction was applied.
(0008,1130) Referenced Overlay Sequence
A sequence which provides reference to a set of SOP Class/Instance pairs which are related independent Overlays. Uniquely identifies Overlays significantly related to this Image. Zero or more Items may be included in this sequence.
(0008,1150) >Referenced SOP Class UID
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class. Required if Referenced Overlay Sequence (0008,1130) is sent.
(0008,1155) >Referenced SOP Instance UID
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Instance. Required if Referenced Overlay Sequence (0008,1130) is sent.
(0008,1145) Referenced Curve Sequence
A sequence which provides reference to a set of SOP Class/Instance pairs which are related independent Curves. Uniquely identifies Curves significantly related to this Image. Zero or more Items may be included in this sequence.
(0008,1150) >Referenced SOP Class UID
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Class. Required if Referenced Curve Sequence (0008,1145) is sent.
(0008,1155) >Referenced SOP Instance UID
Uniquely identifies the referenced SOP Instance. Required if Referenced Curve Sequence (0008,1145) is sent.
(0008,2218) Anatomic Region Sequence
Sequence of one Item that identifies the anatomic region of interest in this image (i.e. external anatomy, surface anatomy, or general region of the body). See Section C.
(0008,2220) >Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence
Sequence of one or more Items that modify the anatomic region of interest in this image (i.e. prone, supine, decubitus right). See Section C.
(0008,2228) Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence
Sequence of one or more Items that identifies the primary anatomic structure of interest in this image. See Section C.
(0008,2230) >Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence
Sequence of one or more Items that modify the primary anatomic structure of interest in this image. See Section C.