DICOM Tables


Tag Name
(60xx,0010) Overlay Rows
Number of Rows in Overlay.
(60xx,0011) Overlay Columns
Number of Columns in Overlay.
(60xx,0040) Overlay Type
Indicates whether this overlay represents a region of interest or other graphics. Enumerated Values: G = Graphics R = ROI.
(60xx,0050) Overlay Origin
Location of first overlay point with respect to pixels in the image, given as row\column. The upper left pixel of the image has the coordinate 1\1. Column values greater than 1 indicate the overlay plane origin is to the right of the image origin. Row values greater than 1 indicate the overlay plane origin is below the image origin. Values less than 1 indicate the overlay plane origin is above or to the left of the image origin. Note: Values of 0\0 indicate that the overlay pixels start 1 row above and one column to the left of the image pixels.
(60xx,0100) Overlay Bits Allocated
Number of Bits Allocated in the Overlay. If the overlay data are embedded in the Image Pixel Data (7FE0,0010), the value of this Attribute shall be the same as Bits Allocated (0028,0100). If the overlay data are stored in the Overlay Data (60xx,3000) Attribute, the value of this Attribute shall be 1.
(60xx,0102) Overlay Bit Position
Bit in which Overlay is stored. See PS 3.5 for further explanation. If the overlay data are stored in the Overlay Data (60xx,3000) Attribute, the value of this Attribute shall be 0. Overlay Data (60xx,3000) 1C Overlay pixel data. The order of pixels sent for each overlay is left to right, top to bottom, i.e., the upper left pixel is sent first followed by the remainder of the first row , followed by the first pixel of the 2nd row, then the remainder of the 2nd row and so on. Overlay data shall be contained in this Attribute or imbedded with the image pixel data in Group 7FE0. Required if overlay data are in this Group. See C. for further explanation.
(60xx,0022) Overlay Description
User-defined comments about the overlay.
(60xx,0045) Overlay Subtype
Defined term which identifies the intended purpose of the Overlay Type. See C. for further explanation.
(60xx,1500) Overlay Label
A user defined text string which may be used to label or name this overlay.
(60xx,1301) ROI Area
Number of pixels in ROI area. See C. for further explanation.
(60xx,1302) ROI Mean
ROI Mean. See C. for further explanation.
(60xx,1303) ROI Standard Deviation
ROI standard deviation. See C. for further explanation.